Skin Care Tips

Discovered! Home Facial Kit For Glowing Skin

facial kit for glowing skin

Maintaining healthy skin is essential if you want to protect your beautiful skin. The best way to provide a treatment meeting to your best facial kits for parlors. Regardless of whether you need a specific treatment for your skin troubles.

The best facial kits for parlors are important. When you receive a great facial at a spa, your face will be properly cleansed, which is not feasible at home. These facials can aid in skin rejuvenation when performed with these salon kits and with the assistance of a professional. With the use of these kits, the skin can be cleansed and kept soft and smooth.

So Ladies out there get to know a beautiful complexion and the best selection of Facial kits for parlors— all in the comfort of your own home. Vedicline offers a wide range of beauty care goods we have lined up our best facial kits below.

Get Gold Like Shine with Gold Facial kits for Parlors

Gold facial kit by Vedicline the Rasayana Therapy for body and mind regeneration is an Ayurveda idea that is based on cosmetics. Saffron, almonds, marigold flowers, turmeric, and sandalwood are some of the ingredients used in this facial kit.

benefits of using facial kits for parlors

Aside from these characteristics, Gold Facial Kit also contains gold dust, vital fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins, all of which are recognized on a global scale. The use of various colors of gold in cosmetics is a global trend, and Vedicline has adopted this practice to enhance the skin’s inherent beauty.

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  • Lightens the complexion.
  • Shields the skin from Uv rays
  • Gives the skin a lovely golden glow.
  • Preserves healthy, pure skin.

BioRhythm Facial for 30 + or Mature Skin Provides younger-looking skin

Natural anti-aging facial kit: Red wine has its own culture and rejuvenating therapies that are now valued globally. Red wine barrel bath is recommended for skin aging. The benefits of grape seed are in the beauty parlor facial kit with grape wine. Increases the rate of cells’ metabolism. Appropriate for older skin and skin that is 30 years old; helps decrease wrinkles and fine lines. Hand-picked grapes and freshly extracted wine are included in the grape wine natural anti-aging face package.


  •  Improves the elasticity of the skin
  • Stops Signs of aging from re-occurring
  •  Improve blood circulation
  • Stimulate the production of collagen

Make your skin fairer & brighter with Bio White Kit for Whitening, Tightening & Brightening (professional)

For everyone who wishes to appear lovely and attractive, whitening and fairness are their ultimate goals. Vedicline has introduced the most sophisticated skin-whitening facial kit with numerous whitening ingredients to lessen uneven skin – color, spots, and tan – and to offer a healthy & radiant look.

A powerful combination of seaweed and vitamin C tightens, tones, and rejuvenates skin. Increase hydration & smoothness while extracts of turmeric and licorice lighten skin.

The whitening facial kit will assist in giving your skin its shine by reducing the dark patches and pigmentation that give it an even tone. By minimizing blotchy areas the bio-white professional kit helps to improve the complexion. Natural ingredients in this face kit will brighten and whiten your skin while shielding it from UV rays. The anti-inflammatory property it target your pores and enhances the natural beauty of your skin.

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  •  Even Our skin ton
  •  Reduce Dark spots
  • Increase hydration & smoothness
  • Protect against UV rays

Feel Refreshed skin with Cool Mint Kit for Normal, Warm & Oily Skin (Professional)

This professional facial kit for dry skin gives you the power of mint and lavender to take on the environment! The skin is cleansed, exfoliated, moisturized, and relieved by the Summer Friendly Cool Mint Kit. To protect your skin against pigmentation, Cool Mint Scrub, Massage Cream, Massage Gel, and Firming Pack are all available. For every type of skin, this set is suitable. The best way to get all the hydration into your skin, though, is by using this device

With Strong ingredients like mint, lavender, and other natural herbs are included in this professional facial kit. This facial kit for parlors removes dirt, detritus, and dead skin to reveal fresh, clean, and moisturized skin. The addition is the soothing, energizing scent of mint and lavender, which is perfect for the end of spring!


  • Exfoliate dead skin cells
  • Repair damaged skin
  • Give cooling sensation on the skin
  • Rejuvenates skin cells
  • Clams down skin inflammation
Wrapping Up 

Vedicline ensures that you get your hands on unique and genuine things in the shortest amount of time and in the greatest condition. We provide you with the most reliable facial kits for parlors product at the most competitive prices through our online deals. We give you the option to pay in cash when the item is delivered to your door to greatly improve the convenience of your shopping experience.

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